Assignment 1 Discussion Question

Sep 6, 2013 at 1:37 AM by Jennifer Corriero

Have you witnessed instances of bullying where students have been teased or mocked for their name? In your view, how can we best support students in understanding and feeling positive about their own names as and diverse identities?

15 Replies

Sylvia Chan
Sep 16, 2013 at 10:39 AM

I have witnessed instances of bullying during my experience as a teacher candidate in an elementary school. This instance occurred within a grade 3 and 4 split classroom, where we had students coming from different backgrounds. Some students were unfamiliar with calling their classmates name so they made nicknames for them. A number of them were inappropriate.

In my view, we can better support students by creating an inclusive and safe environment for students to be able to share about their experiences and identity without the fear of being judged, and scrutinized based on their cultural background and identity. We can help students feel more positive about their diverse identity by allowing them to share their experiences with students by either creating an artwork that expresses their background, through poetry, story-telling and drama.

Abdelilah EL ALaoui
Aug 31, 2018 at 11:27 PM

Hi there 

  I have witnessed bullying several times .Undoubtedly , it is unacceptable and requires effective solutions .In my opinion , one way is to stop it when it occurs , communicate the negative impact of it and reinforce positive behaviors 

Tala Nabulsi
Oct 13, 2013 at 3:03 PM

I havent witnessed bullying related to cultural backgrounds, although in Jordanian universities many fights occur between students due to cultural reasons but at a younger age in schools this doesnt happen.
I remember in my son's school, teachers organized activities where students can share with others their country/culture stories, food, costumes, etc. The curriculum also includes stories where people should be more understanding to others despite differences between them.

Sylvia Chan
Oct 15, 2013 at 10:49 AM

Thank you for sharing your experience. I taught in a grade 3 and 4 classroom before. I realize in education, there is a stronger emphasis on equality, on building a community within the classroom. Promoting inclusion in the classroom. I believe to have every child feel included is very important so they can be more engaged in the learning process. I realize as children get older, they create differences among themselves .This could be because of the stereotypes made through media. There are most likely a lot of variables involved. Bullying is definitely one of the topics that is explored in elementary and high school.

Jorge Vytautas Daukantas
Nov 9, 2013 at 10:56 AM

Sorry everyone, I needed to be more careful in expressing my ability to reflect my true concerns about topic 1.
In accepting newly arrived students to a School Community,I know I can more accurately can cushion the effects of acceptance for a new student by providing the student with a smile , a bodily gesture that conveys a concern for the situation and the individual , helping a a Teacher create an Acceptable Use Policy hyperlink such as the one my group of graduates developed. The REACT web site rewards responsible acts in an online classroom environment and purports to prevent Cyber Bullying ,internet link .

This post was edited on: 2013-11-19 at 11:07 AM by: Jorge Vytautas Daukantas

This post was edited on: 2013-11-19 at 11:07 AM by: Jorge Vytautas Daukantas

agnes voros
Nov 12, 2013 at 10:25 AM

Students are often bullied or teased because of their culture, name or language/speech (accent). I try to avoid such situations before it happens. One way I avoid bullying, in the classroom, is to be aware of body language, seating arrangements, and making a point of listening to targeted students. A student, who bullies, is removed from the room and we have a one on one discussion. As well, we have class discussions in regards to how technology has allowed bullies to become stronger and more present in our lives. As a class we have amazing discussion and share experiences. I also share my personal experiences, because as a child, I too was bullied.

agnes voros
Nov 12, 2013 at 10:27 AM

Pride in a name is accomplished when a teacher greets a student by their first name with a smile smile each and every day.

agnes voros
Nov 12, 2013 at 10:28 AM

Students are often bullied or teased because of their culture, name or language/speech (accent). I try to avoid such situations before it happens. One way I avoid bullying, in the classroom, is to be aware of body language, seating arrangements, and making a point of listening to targeted students. A student, who bullies, is removed from the room and we have a one on one discussion. As well, we have class discussions in regards to how technology has allowed bullies to become stronger and more present in our lives. As a class we have amazing discussion and share experiences. I also share my personal experiences, because as a child, I too was bullied.

Sylvia Chan
Nov 12, 2013 at 10:38 AM

Thank you Jorge for sharing the link with us. From having looked at the website, I do find it important to encourage, uplift and praise everyday moments of responsibility. From like the site says, from opening a heavy door, to picking up a dropped book, or visiting a sick classmate in the hospital. Looking at how we react to situations, taking the responsibility and assertiveness to helps others and offer a positive energy.

My favourite sentence that came up on the link was "Harsh words and judgement are all too frequent on social networks, but let's use technology to lift one another up rather than to tear others apart."

Sylvia Chan
Nov 12, 2013 at 2:20 PM

Thank you Agnes for your response! I have seen in the classrooms as well ,how students use of their body language can show a lot to how students are feeling in relation to others. When students are being bullied in school, we as educators can sometimes tell just by their body language how others are treating them. I find bringing awareness of bullying in schools can definitely help. You mentioned about having class discussions in regards to how technology has allowed bullies to become stronger and more present in our lives, I immediately thought of cyber bullying and the girl who committed suicide because of cyber bullying. I believe there are more people that have been bullied, and its important to bring such discussions up so we do not feel alone with the experience, and that this can happen to anyone.

Sylvia Chan
Nov 12, 2013 at 2:21 PM

I agree! When teachers bring in positivity and belief in the students capabilities, great things happen in a classroom.
Agnes95 wrote:

Pride in a name is accomplished when a teacher greets a student by their first name with a smile smile each and every day.

agnes voros
Nov 18, 2013 at 3:29 PM

I am sorry to say that I do not know where to hand in the answers to Increasing Cultural Awareness - part one - Question.


As a teacher, in today’s multicultural society, I find it critical to understand the school community, its cultural backgrounds, beliefs, needs, and differences. Daily, we are exposed to ever-changing learning styles that are influenced by cultural dynamics. Thus, looking through the cultural lens is a necessity.
Teachers are finding that not just the understanding of learning styles will influence “student success”, but in fact, knowledge of cultural and or socio economic influences play a critical role in how teaching and learning takes place in our educational facilities. By the way, when referring to school community, I must explain that this includes parents in the grouping. Parents play a huge role in the school community, as they are the enforcers of cultural expectations that their children might need to adhere to. For example, I have students that are not allowed to stay after school for school events.
In certain cultures, parents can be overly protective of their daughters. Often long conversations are had with them in order to explain why a homework program would be beneficial for their child and “yes” the event is being supervised. One student of mine had difficulty convincing her parents that summer school would give her a credit and that there is such a thing as summer school.
Some cultures reverse symbols. This is important to consider when marking assignments. At times, students might not be aware that the dollar sign comes before the value. This is because of previous knowledge influenced by cultural diversities.
Looking through the lens can be a fun experience for both student and teacher. Technology offers a variety of fun and exciting ways to explore and learn these new dynamics. As a teacher, I find early analysis in the classroom to be a critical part of this research. Students complete a number of different tasks to assist with identifying personal levels, weaknesses, strengths, and family dynamics. Students enjoy these assignments as technology is often used as part of the process. Part of the assignment requires students to create a movie using “Movie Maker “, (sometimes using video cameras or Photoshop & PowerPoint) about their backgrounds, family dynamics and personal goals. Then we watch the finished products. Kids love to learn about each other and once we view each assignment as a group, we are all more aware of the cultural diversities in our classroom. I always learn something new.

Jennifer Corriero
Nov 22, 2013 at 2:16 PM

I think this is a very powerful approach! We can really increase the self-confidence through a warm welcome and greeting.

sylviachan wrote:

I agree! When teachers bring in positivity and belief in the students capabilities, great things happen in a classroom.
Agnes95 wrote:

Pride in a name is accomplished when a teacher greets a student by their first name with a smile smile each and every day.

Jennifer Corriero
Nov 22, 2013 at 2:17 PM

Thank you Jorge for telling us about Project React!

gdaukant wrote:

Sorry everyone, I needed to be more careful in expressing my ability to reflect my true concerns about topic 1.
In accepting newly arrived students to a School Community,I know I can more accurately can cushion the effects of acceptance for a new student by providing the student with a smile , a bodily gesture that conveys a concern for the situation and the individual , helping a a Teacher create an Acceptable Use Policy hyperlink such as the one my group of graduates developed. The REACT web site rewards responsible acts in an online classroom environment and purports to prevent Cyber Bullying ,internet link .

This post was edited on: 2013-11-19 at 11:07 AM by: Jorge Vytautas Daukantas

This post was edited on: 2013-11-19 at 11:07 AM by: Jorge Vytautas Daukantas

Dec 16, 2013 at 1:02 PM

سلام تالا هل أتممت عضويتي في الموقع المرجو الاجابة

Dandie Fernandez
Jan 20, 2014 at 4:51 PM

One way to avoid bullying about a student's name is to educate them first on the IMPORTANCE AND VALUE OF A PERSON'S NAME.