Activity 2: Spotting Images of Intercultural Exchange


Images surround us in our cities, communities and virtual spaces. Participants will be invited to explore and identify images that represent intercultural exchange through looking at both popular and niche network photo-sharing websites and galleries. Selected images will be posted in the virtual classroom space and used as a basis for follow-up discussion and reflection on how art can influence the way we think about cultures and ourselves.


Step 1 - Mental picture: Watch the following video for your next assignment.

Close your eyes and visualize a place where different cultures are interacting with one another in the same space.  Pay attention to the setting, the sights, the sounds and the aromas.  Who is present?  How are people interacting?  What might people be sharing with one another?  Open your eyes and write down key words that emerge as descriptions of what you have visualized.

Step 2 - Finding images: Using the keywords selected through the first exercise, take some time to search online for images that might represent these ideas on photo sharing sites (such as Flickr and Instagram in addition to the Global Gallery on TakingITGlobal and choose an image. Post it in the TIGed virtual classroom and explain why the image resonates with you as an example of Intercultural Exchange.

Here are some examples to get you thinking!

  • “At any given moment, someone somewhere is celebrating something.” by Ferdinand Protzman This quote introduces a vibrant series of images featured in a National Geographic book titled ‘live, laugh, celebrate’ with the following highlights video: (

  • As I was travelling in the Toronto Pearson Airport (YYZ), images depicting food from around the world was displayed for passengers to enjoy! This is from a photography exhibit titled ("Food" by Martin Parr)

  • We are starting to see many more examples of exchange in advertising from global companies.  Here is a short video clip of ‘Small World Machines’ by Coca-Cola that bring people together across cultural and political divies: (


  • The Milestone’s Project features photographs of universal landmarks from regions of the world.  See different expressions of faith, health, faces, hats and other aspects of life!


  • This image is from an inspirational children’s book called ‘Only One You’ by Linda Kranz that features different brightly coloured fish (actually painted rocks that look like fish).  







Watch the following TED Talks for ideas that might inspire your thinking:


  • Step 4: Submit reflections on Activity Two in your HP Catalyst Academy profile.


Continue to Activity 3: Representing our own Stories through Images »

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